Contact: +358 408409179 /
Previously: with Benedikt Reichenbach, Berlin (internship) ← at Stoodio Santiago da Silva, Berlin (internship) ← wrote, designed, printed In small amounts, with implied difficulty, bit by bit, self-published, 2022 ← designed (with Paula Buškevica) Going Somewhere, published by EKA GD MA, 2022 ← designed (with Björn Giesecke and Alejandro Bellón Ample) Possible Scenarios, the practice of Romain Odin Lepoutre, 2022 ← studied at Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (MA) ← at Tsto, Helsinki (internship) ← designed, printed Kuvalaattoja, self-published, 2019 ← studied at ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem (exchange) ← studied at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki (BA). Contact: +358 408409179 /